What happens when you challenge a vintage expert? image

What happens when you challenge a vintage expert?

This article covers:

Antony Charman has been a vintage appraiser since before records began. When the History Channel team caught him telling everyone he was better than the ‘golden gun’ (our metal testing gun). They decided to put him to the test.

Luckily they also caught it on camera — think our expert has what it takes to beat the golden gun? Watch the video to find out, or if you don't like videos, keep scrolling, we've explained everything - with pictures!

Video Transcript

A slide that says The Golden Gun Challenge

No chance!

A very expensive piece of equipment great for a novice but I don’t really need one.

This is a travelling clock. It’s called basket weave is this particular style of finish here. Roundabout 1900 / 1910. A beautiful piece.

There are no hallmarks but I’m going to say that that one is silver…

A slide that says silver 94% copper 6%


A picture of Antony Charman and Matthew Christlow that says Antony 1 Golden Gun 0

Antony Charman appraising a vintage Omega watch

This one here is an Omega 1960s. Generally when a watch has a gold back on it, gold sides, 9 times out of 10 they tend to be gold.

A slide that says 9 carat gold

Well, I got the 9-carat gold part right!

Antony Charman and Matthew Christlow and the words Antony 2 Golden Gun 0

Assistant: 1956

Antony: Oh, well there you go!

Antony Charman holding a gold coronation medal

You can see here it says 1937 Coronation Medal.


This actually looks gold, and it certainly feels like gold. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in gold to be honest with you. So if it’s gold Its probably 22ct gold

Slightly more I think…

A slide that says 24 carat gold

It’s 24-carat gold

Antony Charman and Matthew Christlow with writing that says Antony 2 Golden Gun 1

Ooh, this is nice! A melon cutter and scraper. You cut a melon in half with it then you scrape the seeds out with it here. Quite a sharp object. It was actually made in about 1900. It’s silver…

A slide that says silver 99.99%

Silver, yes! Thank You.

Antony Charman and Matthew Christlow with words that say Antony 3 Golden Gun 1

Antony Charman testing pearls with his teeth

And these are a little bit different. I’m going to say these are Baroque pearls, with different patterns, and different shapes. They have a gritty feel off them to the teeth.

This here has got diamonds in and I’m going to say that this one here is 18ct gold with diamonds and cultured pearls so let’s have a look at that one.

It’s not 18ct gold it’s actually 14ct gold.

A picture of Antony Charman and Matthew Christlow with the words Antony 3 Golden Gun 2

I think I still know a little bit more than you about the stuff

But as long as you’ve got the gun you’ll always do well.

Did you enjoy seeing Antony pit his wits against the metal testing gun? Leave him a message in the comments, or

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