5 Simple Upcycling Ideas to try this National Upcycling Day. image

5 Simple Upcycling Ideas to try this National Upcycling Day.

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Take those unwanted home items from trash-to-treasure 

Unlike recycling, upcycling is all about the craft of repurposing old items to breathe new life into them and reduce waste. With increasing popularity, upcycling is now nationally acknowledged every year on June 24th, so to celebrate National Upcycling Day, we’ve listed 5 simple, quick and sustainable-friendly ideas to give those hard-to-place items in your home a second life. 

1. Teacups & China

Scented candles make excellent gifts, are a great way to add ambience to any home and - surprisingly to some, are really simple to make at home. Grab any odd, spare or unwanted china teacup and follow this simple guide to create your own unique candles.

2. Food cans

Beans, soup, pet food, we all have kitchens full of food cans. But instead of throwing them away after use, ask yourself if you could upcycle them instead. Old cans can be great for repotting herbs, plants and flowers or keeping pens, utensils or paintbrushes in a tidy order. Simply rinse out the can, wash or peel off the label and ensure there are no sharp edges left exposed. For an extra challenge, why not try painting on a decorative pattern? 

3. Vases


We absolutely love upcycling influencer Jodie's take on the stone vase trend, repurposing her old, tired glass vases into brand new stone-effect vases which have a whole new lease of life. Watch the video to see how it's done.

4. Mirrors

We all have past-their-prime mirrors lying around the home but rather than throwing them away (and risking that 7 years of bad luck) why not spruce up your coffee table and repurpose them into a delicate candle or trinket tray. Adding a chic, farmhouse touch to any home. Minimum effort, maximum style. 

5. Clothing

Have your wool jumpers seen better days? Whether they’re moth eaten, accidentally shrunk in the washing machine or you’ve just simply outgrown them, a craft project is the perfect way to breathe new life into them. We recommend this upcycling tutorial to transform them into felt wool coasters. A great way to add a pop of colour to your room with an added personal touch.

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